
Correction of Chromatic Aberration from a Single Image Using Keypoints

Benjamin T. Cecchetto著,2024年版    [文件格式: PDF - 4MB]

Chromatic aberration (also known as colour fringing) is a phenom- ena where different wavelengths of light refract through different parts of a lens system. Thus, the colour channels may not align as they reach the sensor/film. This is most notable in cheaper lenses, it is also noticeable at higher resolutions. We desire an image free of chromatic aberrations is simple, so all the planes are in focus. For a simple lens system this amounts to misaligned colour channels (red, green and blue). The misalignment is due to a uniform scaling and translation. There are many types of other chromatic aberrations. Complex lens assemblies introduce new distortions. We propose a method to deal with the simple, more common scenario. We later discuss possible ways to deal with more complex ones

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